Jenny Liu

NMLS # 337322


Jenny Liu Loan Officer

A New Generation Awakes

A New Generation Awakes

In its most recent study, Zillow Group examined the newest generation to enter the housing market – Generation Z. Wait, what? Already? Are they even old enough to enter the housing market? As it turns out, yes, they are. Generation Z is considered to be those born from 1995 to 2010, meaning the oldest in the generation are now 22 years old. The Zillow Group Report on Consumer and Housing Trends 2017 shows this new generation now makes up more than 21% of the U.S. population, and is the most ethnically and racially diverse generation in our history. And they are beginning to enter the housing market as renters.

However, this generation is just as likely as older generations to say owning a home is a key component of the American Dream. In fact, 57% responded that they already considered buying a home while looking for their last rental. “It’s encouraging to see that Generation Z is inheriting the same notion of what home means as their parents and Millennial siblings,” Zillow Chief Marketing Officer Jeremy Wacksman said. The 2017 Zillow Group Report is the second annual survey of U.S. home buyers, sellers, owners and renters, and asked more than 13,000 U.S. residents aged 18 to 75 about their homes – how they search for them, pay for them, maintain and improve them and what frustrations and aspirations color their decisions.